

目前显示的是 三月, 2019的博文

How to deal with the chain hoist stuck chain?

What is the stuck chain phenomenon? The chain hoist may be stuck chain in the process of pulling, which may cause the hoist to not rise and not work. This kind of problem is the chain hoist stuck chain. It does not only affect normal lifting operations, but it will also cause damage to other components. It exists safety hazards and threatening the safety of the operator. Why is the chain hoist stuck chain? The lifting chain is not smoothed before use, causing the chain to be knotted stuck on the hoist part. 2. If the lifting chain is deformed, continue to use. That cause the lifting chain stuck in the guiding wheel. 3. The chain hoist is put it at random after use, that causes the chain to enter into the hoist guide wheel. When you use it, it is not taken out in time, then the chain stuck. 4. Improper operation causes the hoist cover deform and squeeze inward, causing deformation of internal parts. When the guide wheel is affected and deformed, it will directly affect...